
MicroChilli is an Australian-based accounting company that specializes in offering tailored bookkeeping services for small businesses and sole traders. Our primary objective is to deliver cost-effective accounting solutions and establish ourselves as the top destination for bookkeeping and advisory services by consistently providing high-quality accounting solutions.


Chillies are popular because they trigger the release of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers, causing a burning sensation (similar to doing your own bookkeeping!). These endorphins impact brain cells, resulting in feelings of excitement and happiness (just like when MicroChilli handles your bookkeeping!).


We have five package options, each with three spice levels. This allows you to choose the option that aligns with your revenues, team size, and number of bank accounts. Our services range from bookkeeping assistance to payroll processing, BAS lodgements, and strategic advisory support. Unsure which package to choose? Schedule a free consultation for personalized advice on selecting the best option for your specific needs.


When your business starts hiring staff, you are legally obligated to handle payroll services. This includes timely payment of employees, deduction of withholding tax (PAYG), and providing a net wage. Many business owners find it challenging to keep up with the compliance reporting requirements at this stage. A new addition to the payroll system is STP (Single Touch Payroll), which became mandatory for all businesses in Australia from 1 July 2019. STP is an initiative by the Australian Government to lessen the reporting responsibilities of employers to the government agency, ATO.

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Малверн Восток Виктория 3145, Австралия
