
Kashoo is an online accounting solution designed for freelancers, small business owners, and independent contractors to efficiently manage taxes, audits, and various accounting functions. The platform is accessible on mobile devices through an iOS application, providing flexibility and convenience. Users can even work offline and seamlessly synchronize data once an internet connection is available. Furthermore, Kashoo offers connectivity to a vast network of over 5,000 banks and credit unions, streamlining financial management for its users.

Accounting trulysmall.

Optimal accounting solution for small businesses.

Accounting Kashoo

Advanced accounting for medium to large-sized small businesses.

Accounting Software

Accounting software is useless if your client lacks the necessary skills to operate it. Our main objective is to develop user-friendly systems that enhance comprehension and alleviate stress in your life.


Maximize your tax savings by utilizing Auto Import Bank Transactions. Connect multiple accounts and feeds to easily track and manage your finances. Quickly enter repeating expenses to ensure you don't miss out on any deductions.

Contact info

1055 W Georgia St Suite 2414, Vancouver, BC V6E 3P3, Канада
