
EBOS is a Singapore-based company specializing in providing accounting and bookkeeping services. They are recognized as certified advisors for various software platforms, including Dashbod, Enterpryze, Financio, and Xero. EBOS extends its services into the realm of cloud solutions, offering a diverse range of cloud-based services such as cloud accounting, cloud corporate secretary services, cloud ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), cloud HR (Human Resources), cloud inventory management, and cloud CRM (Customer Relationship Management). These cloud solutions are designed to streamline and enhance various aspects of business operations and financial management for their clients.


Smart Entrepreneurs have utilized our services with minimal transactions (as few as 2 per month) for investment holding compliance with ACRA and IRAS. Online retailers rely on us for managing a large number of transactions, ensuring timely GST submission and tracking their Gross profit margin. We offer early Tax planning to ensure Smart Entrepreneurs are prepared for future Tax submissions, avoiding last-minute stress.


EBOS advisory is committed to assisting entrepreneurs in launching and expanding their businesses. We achieve this by connecting experienced partners worldwide, ensuring that the necessary tools and resources are accessible to help you achieve your objectives. We utilize technology to support companies in launching and thriving in the digital era.


Singapore business incorporation starts here and EBOS is well-known for serving aspiring entrepreneurs, foreign shareholders, and mid-size corporations in establishing their Singapore headquarters. We offer online company incorporation services, online corporate secretary (E-Signatory), cloud accountants who are professional trainers with Dashbod, Entrepryze, Financio, XERO, and KYC Due Diligence for global business owners. We provide personalized 1-to-1 guidance and invite you to ProKakis Business Clinic to showcase your products and services. We value the human touch in the digital business world.


All Singapore companies must appoint a company secretary within 6 months as per the Companies Act.


We efficiently handle tax planning and management by staying updated on changing legislation and finding strategies to address tax liabilities for business owners with multiple revenue streams from various countries. We have successfully assisted numerous individuals and companies in fulfilling their tax obligations and navigating challenging investigations that can impact both health and financial stability. Our expertise covers a wide range of areas, including advance taxation, tax exemptions and perks, statutory filing and compliance, as well as responding to notices and offering ongoing support during tax scrutiny.

Company Registration

Company Registration services enable business owners to formally register their companies.

Contact info

120 Lower Delta Rd, Сингапур 169208
